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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Credit Cards. Where do they come from and who controls them? Such questions are not asked by the average consumer that would visit my site. Instead, questions such as: will anyone be able to steal my credit card information or see my personal information come to mind. These are very relevant questions, however at times they are taken to the extreme by certain customers who refuse to give credit card numbers in fear of being cheated or ripped off.
Although there is a certain validity to identity fraud, and although it is rather prevalent in the US, the credit card in itself presents on of the best ways to combat identity fraud especially when it relates to the use of credit cards. Most credit card companies have at this time implemented online monitoring services that help people stay in touch with their credit cards on a daily basis. While this is not practical for everyone, and since not everyone who has credit cards has computers at home, it is nevertheless an extremely powerful tool to maintain your own financial security.
All the merchants’ features on EnkiTel have 128 bit encryption systems when it comes to ordering. 128 encryption is the standard for internet security and is very hard to hack. 128 bit encryption is hard enough to break that it is very safe and used by all the banking institutions and anyone who is serious about processing money. I personally never shop on a site that does not have 128 bit encryption and consider it a sign of professionalism when a site does have this.
To sum up, credit cards, if used properly can be very safe and efficient, only when you have 50 of them and don’t know what is going on with your financial life then you may be in trouble. However if you are doing business with a credit card merchant, always make sure the merchant has a secure site.