
This blog is for Sharing ideas about recruit, marketing, sales, and anything of interest to the founder of this blog.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Marketing, Good Question!

The world of internet marketing, vast and terrifying. Vast absolutely, terrifying not so much. Although the competition is fierce the market depth is incredible. For a lone proprietor trying to build and compete with the giants on the market the odds seem absolutely staggering.
However, there is not much to fear if the approach is correct. You don’t just drop your job and dive into affiliate marketing and internet business overnight. Well you could, perhaps, still I don’t recommend it. Rather feel out the market place and do some research. As with any startup making sure there is market for your product or idea is essential, however with affiliate marketing this research can perhaps be summarized by the success of the company that you are marketing. For example, www.ldpost.com has a Google PR of 6, a very respectable PR in a superbly competitive market.
So the idea is to figure out a creative marketing approach and spread the word about your site and about your product as effectively as you can using legal means as opposed to illegal ones such as SPAMing. No how creative you get is up to you, naturally however this is the big challenge. Traditional methods will not work as well on the internet, while spending a lot of money on a good SEO company is also out of the question. Some will charge as much as $500 per PAGE. Market rate. I have 23 pages…There goes my business.